.A Ghoulish Night.

November 4, 2008

Yes, these photos are quite overdue however nonetheless, I shall continue on forward into posting them up onto my blog to share them with you. Exactly a week ago, gloomy darkness had crept up to envelope the heavens... rain drizzled down onto earth as a chilly breeze clawed its way into warm houses and shops.
The Corpse Bride & Groom

The Corpse Bride waiting for her Groom

Throughout the streets and alleyways of Melbourne, there was a scene of the frightening sort: ghosts, ghouls, witches, zombies and what-nots had come out to play with the living. Soon after dusk, they began to roam all over Melbourne. Death was to be found in every corner and chilling laughters can be heard echoing up into the grey midnight skies.

Prior to this spine-tingling activities, DG, SG, Rockband and myself were enjoying our lovely dinner over in a nice indonesian restaurant called Block M. This would be my third visit to the restaurant and in my books, the food served here is quite good. A variety of foods are available to the customer at reasonable prices as well. Although at times the wait for the food may seem long, the food in the end is well worth the wait.

Ms. SG playing with her new toy

It was on this day that Ms SG bought her new camera: the Canon G10 - a toy that I was itching to get after being given an opportunity to play with it (however, after thinking it through, i think it was the overall eagerness and impressed view I got from the camera was what made me want to purchase it badly... now that I've given myself time to think: i still prefer to get an SLR to play with).
Ms SG & the G10

Arriving at the restaurant, I thought that there was something peculiar about Ms SG & Mr DT when they arrived to greet us, she was wearing a skeletal mask which looked quite frightening. It was here that something funny happened where a customer from a neighbouring restaurant came over to request Ms SG to scare one of his friends. Joining in the fun, Ms SG proceeded to walk over and stood behind the man, giving off a frightful "boo!!".... it turned out the be the wrong person... hahaha....

Ms SG scaring the wrong person
Look how far the poor man jumped away from her!

After Ms SG located and scared the RIGHT person, the four of us proceeded to enter the restaurant to eat... I had the grandest opportunity and time to fiddle around with the G10 as Ms SG took of her mask, waiting for her dinner to arrive... so I took a photo.
Sitting across from Ms SG & Mr DG, I had noticed that they looked different.... There was something scary about them....Can you figure out what it is?

They've transformed into vampires!

Halloween was in town. Deep down in the heart of the city, when we got home to our apartment... we certainly were not left out of the ghoulish and creepy fun! Blood stained, splattered and oozed everywhere as we saw the dead walking off to meet others of its sort. Skeletons were dancing, ghosts were floating and witches were laughing - it wasn't just any laughter... it was the kind that made your hair prickle as though a cold finger had been run down your spine.

The educated homeless chap - as he calls himself.

Don't you feel sorry for him?
This was the night that I became acquainted with a certain homeless chap - found to be wandering in front of the entrance to my apartment.

Halloween parties - the gathering of many devilish and non-devilish kind - was taking place everywhere throughout Melbourne. Prior to this devilish gathering, many go through hasty complicated lengths and rituals of preparing oneself for the dead... it was time to take out the costume and stage make-up!


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