So Far in 2 Weeks

November 28, 2008

It all happened in a flurry with much that have been done: many sights seen, places visited, sounds heard, things touched, tastes tasted and knowledge learnt. Officially as of today, it has been a week and two days since I arrived back to my motherland.

Most things have remained the same, well pretty much everything and everyone's still the same. Except roads are bigger and there are more cars on the road... oh and very less sights of smokers around town.

In terms of my dearly beloveds, I'm happy to say that its quite pleasing to see everyone in good health and general mood. Coming back home, the cats were still the same ole rambunctious bunch I had left when I began my trip to Melbourne.

Oh how I wish I could tell you the things we've been up to, however sadly photos and details are far too many for me to process all at once in my head, let alone type up onto this blog. However, I will share with you a few visual insights as to the events of the last two weeks.


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