Jump Shots

November 13, 2008

Always on the go, Always on the move - that's what you get for living in the city. Now that exams are over and done with, most students are free to roam about the cosmopolitan city in search of entertainment and other amusing activities to fill in the passing time. For four Melbruneians, it was a time to JUMP.

I suppose it's almost become a signature mark for me when it comes to photography: Jump Shots. I find myself attracted to the idea of jumping mid-air. For me it signifies many things: colour, sudden movement, sporadic energy, happiness, silliness, fun, power and much more. I came up with this random idea that whenever I do photography, I will always try take the opportunity to have at least one session of Jump Shots - no matter where the photography is taking place.

Thinking back, I think what started it all was a photo I took of Ms SG. Earlier on this year, my budding interest in photography led me and my curious stubby fingers to reach for CameraGuru's SLR... I was keen on giving it a go - to see what it felt like, what I could come up with. I still remember that day vividly: bright lit blue skylines in Docklands. The weather was just perfect for a hang out - all of us wanted to check out the art exhibition there.Curiousity led me to explore the camera settings, I went for the continuous shoot settings whereupon I had asked Ms SG to jump mid air. Below was what I produced.

. My very first ever Jump Shot.

Ever since then, as I continue on to explore the world of photography and I hope in time learn to develope some serious skills, I have been quite persistent in making many of my candid subjects jump. Don't ask me why... I just like the results - I find them to be quite interesting. Fueling my eagerness for these jump shots is actually the energy I get from my jumping subjects. The more they are keen on joining in the fun and jumping, the more it energises me and drives me to take more jump shots. So when my last jump shots take place? Well... no more than 2-3 days ago, in fact.

I call it: Conquering Bourke & Crown.

.The Crown Shoot.


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