the BruONz 2009 Finale

February 10, 2009

Last Sunday the BruONz student committee held their last get together in celebrating their successful launch of the BruONz Gala Night. Just a little heads up as to the happenings of that night: 280 people and it was a full house with more demands for the tickets to the event. Everyone was dressed to the nineties - men in full on suit blazers and neatly pressed shirts whilst the ladies flowed about in gowns and dresses. Dashes of smiles and flashes of camera - it was a scene one could never forget.

Also not forgetting the five full-on varying cultural performances, enjoyed by all who attended. It was the talk of the town, at least in the Brunei Australia-New Zealand turf. Back to Sunday....

The nice late morning brunch took place in the Emperor's Court within Manggis Mall. A packed day, as I could tell the minute we walked in... I was a bit worried that we may not be able to get any seats... as there were 20 of us... yes 20!! But we were patient and in the end were rewarded with two huge tables by the back.

It was a casual, low key get together with rounds of dim sum were enjoyed by many. Everyone seemed to be having a good time - jokes were passed around and food was plenty. Towers and towers of bamboo steamers were stacked onto the table. Now that I think of it, we should've organised a mini game: which table has the best tall tower? Mostly for bragging rights purposes, hehe. It would've been awesome, seeing that there a LOT of the bamboo steamers...

With this gathering, we took the opportunity to officially hand over some cash donation to each society, amounting to $200.00 each, and to pass around the sponsor's certificate of appreciation. We were quite a noisy bunch, with some of us table-hopping in attempts to socialise with other friends.

Oh and not forgetting to mention, MVision Theatre voucher tickets had been given to each and everyone one of us for free (to watch any more, any time at Empire) by a gentleman from a neighbouring table, which was very kind of him. I had to make sure that I personally thanked him. Everyone was soo happy... especially Sally who got extra tickets! lol.. if you're reading this: CHEATER! lol

We ended the brunch with several group shots in and out of the restaurant. It was fun and everyone was a good sport about it. I didn't realise how big of a crew we were until I saw the group photo! Wow! So comes the end to the 2009 BruONz committee: old friendships rekindled and new ones were forged. My dear private hopes is that if more than anything, we leave this year with newer
friends and happier memories of the BruONz gatherings, despite anything and everything.


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