.Lights Out.

February 6, 2009

Family Dinner in the Dark

Talk about having a romantic dinner... haha... I call this the accidental family romance. We had a power outage the other night that lasted for nearly 5 hours!! Everyone in the house was going mental including the cats, which was a first!

.Playing with light before dinner.

Out came the candles, torch lights and any form of light-emitting machines for us to juggle about with throughout the house. I'm certain anyone standing outside would think of those alien scenes from the movie shows where the house is in full black out but streaks of light can be seen running back and forth inside the house. Yeah, that's what it looked like.

.Scenes from dinner.
With everyone grumpy and bugged out, mom decided to lighten up the mood by organising a steamboat dinner with candle lights despite the darkness... It was a nice dinner, i should say.

.Teasing the cat with the laser.


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