.Cake & Bake.

September 2, 2008

Something new I learnt to make over the weekend. I think generally this is what happens when women tend to be bored in the kitchen and are attacked by an influx of creativity. They transfigure into creative budding domestic goddesses!

They call this the "gulung-gulung cinta", literally translated as rolls of love. It's amazing what you come up with when you're inspired to make a new recipe and have the basic knowledge of what ingredients work best with what. In this case it was a sprinkle of sugar, breadcrumbs and horlicks. Made by some of the Melbruneian ladies on Sunday.

As fasting month was less than 24 hours away, some of the Melbruneian ladies and I took the opportunity to organise a cake & bake session , where together in uneasiness we learnt to bake kek bingka susu - a mouthwatering, sinfully delectable creamy traditional malay cake often served in many Bruneian functions. Its ingredients are fairly simple, revolving mainly around milk, flour, custard and sugar (to your preference) however the process is quite labourous. To be honest, I think this was my first time baking a malay traditional cake....

Personally speaking, the reasons why I usually stick with baking the traditional western cakes and bakes is because I find that malay cakes are quite hard to bake due to its labourous and sometimes complex processes. So to the ladies, a big thumbs up goes to you for your dedicated efforts. In this case, I think I had made things harder for Ms DT & Ms Giggles, by adding hot water to the custard powder for them to stir over low heat... it ended up with small custard lumps which we had to sieve through - quite quite quite labourous as you can see from the picture on the right.

A simple small bite of this cake throws me back into my memories: walking into the kitchen to find my mother hovering over the oven, checking to see the state of the cake as the seductive aroma fill in the whole room and linger beyond the kitchen walls and down the halls and corridors of the house...

I can still recall the bittersweet memory as if it were yesterday... sigh...

We had ended the day with cookies and a nice cuppa tea


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