.BssMelb Eid Mubarak Celebration.

October 9, 2008

BssMelb's Hari Raya Celebration

.The Welcome Wagon.

Finally... the much awaited update on how BssMelb's Hari Raya celebration event went. Days prior before the joyful celebration took place, tensions and anticipation reached an unexpected high... everyone was in full gear.

In retrospect, the event turned out quite well, surprisingly - smooth sailing with very little problems encountered. In all honesty, deep down inside I had actually expected some problems to occur during the last few minutes... as they always tend to do in
 event-organisation... however for that day each and everyone of the committe
e members sought to help one another in preparation and surprisingly many friends and some family turned out to show their proud support of our new BssMelb committee and their efforts.

If there were to be any indication as to how the events were going to run, it should've been by the weather. With the sun shining its mightiest, pouring onto the Melbournian streets - everyone around the city was in their best of humour. The sound of the bustling streets and echoes of footsteps pounding the sidewalks around the city, as cars honked and engine revved all over town.
.The Restaurant Managers.

.Ms Crocs & friends.
Meanwhile in the confines of Degraves St, six souls were busy buzzing around the apartment in preparation for the
 much-awaited afternoon event. Some bumbled amongst themselves in the kitchen scooping, rolling and baking c
ookie doughs and authentic malay cakes whilst others were upstairs, busy fashioning
 themselves in the bathroom. I remember seeing clouds of hairspray lingering out into the hall away, against the booms and bams of loud music coming out from the bathroom entrance. 
.In need of a getaway.

By the strike of two in the afternoon, the BssMelb Hari Raya celebration was in session, which began with an opening speech by the President of the student committee, followed by a blessing prayer for thanks and safety which was kindly performed by Nick for all the students present and also to their families.
.Arif & friends.
.Malay cakes.

Food was in abundance with various malay cakes available, ranging from kek batik, kek bingka and many many more. Served for the main course was a choice of various Indian-Malaysian delectables dishes such as butter chicken, lentil curry, mixed vegetables, chicken 65, beef rendang, beef curry and much much more together served on a bed of steamed rice, alongside nice warm roti.
.The reception.

In conclusion to the sumptuous feast, the BssMelb Committee had an unforgettable fun-filled perfomance where they su
ng with their mightiest hearts, much to the delight of the crowd. Many nervous smiles and laughters were exchanged but these were quickly replaced with wide grins and twinkled eyes with loud melodies sung with puffed out chests and demure looks. 

.The Group Photo.

The all-time event ended with a series of games with much glee and laughter by the crowds before everyone went their separate ways - leaving Rich Maha with a wide smile across their face. 

.The Feasting.

.Mr DG& Ms SG.

Note: A funny thing that we did... well over an hour after the event had ended, some of the committee members had stayed over to hang out.... we ended up playing charades in the restaurant... surprisingly the owner wasn't bothered by the commotion we caused and we had tons of weird stares from the other restaurant patrons... 

.The Committee.


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