.The 2008 Conclusion.

January 4, 2009

.A New Chapter - 2009.
The new year has come. Along with it, so many new possibilities, opportunities, chances, choices and struggles for what we all hope for is the better.

The year 2008 was a turbulent year - one of the many that I'm sure will come further down in my life. However, despite the deep nose-dive tumble, I've learnt that no matter how hard you fall, how deep or dark you end up... that there is always light at the end of every tunnel, and despite it all, we always end up coming out of the deep hole, thinking to ourselves:
"hey, that wasn't so bad at all... I'm still here"...

Whether I've managed to climb out this "hole" yet, I'm not sure but all I can say with certainty is that for 2008, I'm very thankful it ended on a positive note.
It was one of the best summers I've ever had in my life.

.The KK trip.

.GH-ing in Brunei & Christmas on the Beach.


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