BssMelb at the Park

March 30, 2009

These photos were from the last BssMelb event - it was one of many events (more to come...) which took place in Flagstaff Gardens last Saturday. It was organised by two of the committee members, which started at 9 am and lasted well over 2 hours. There weren't many people who attended the event - mainly just the committee members who brought along one or two of their friends.

(the two event coordinators)

Weather was lovely albeit a little cold, nevertheless, I attempted to make my way around the block which I'm proud to say that I've managed 4 rounds (2 in the park and 2 outside around the park in an alternate fast-slow pace)... I have to say I wouldn't have able to do it without the persistence of Mr Rockband. Thanks, I wouldn't have done it without you!

Dear god, I hadn't realised how inactive of a group we were up until well after the walk/jog was done because just as soon as we arrived at home - everyone was K.O. for pretty much the rest of the afternoon!! A pity though... we could've managed a lot of activities in for the day but I think we were too tired to even think by then. He he he...


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