3 is the G!

March 31, 2009

Yup yup yup, not much updates here lately. Haven't had the opportunity to do so and besides, with such crappy internet accessibility at the apartment, I had no other choice but to go out and buy myself a mobile broadband connection with 3 - no regrets, for sure! Although I have to say, the services here tend to be quite on the pricey side: currently I'm paying $50 a month for 4 gb.

Nothing much to be said at the moment.... except that I'm FINALLY watching the movie Twilight... Uh, yeah... hahaha... yes, several months after its release in the theatre and much to the non-stop bickering of Mr. Rockband... I finally gave into the whims and am watching... well, more like partially watching Twilight.

What do I think of it? Hahaha... Let's just say its not my cup of tea: both characters seem to annoy the heck out of me and the only thing I liked about it was the suspense from the action (which only took part in less than a third of the movie, pffffffttttt!) I guess the reason as to why the movie is such a big hit amongst the girls is because of their underlying desire to be sweft off their feet like someone like edward.... I don't know... not my kind of thing I have to say. If my boyfriend were to ever say something like what Edward would say to Bella... i'd end up rolling on the floor, dying from laughter... hahaha...

Oh... just a quick note: I've created an online photo album for BssMelb to post up their photos. It's located in Photobucket, under BssMelb. I think from now on, any future photos of BssMelb events will be posted up there. In it, I've just uploaded 3 of the past BssMelb events (click on link to view photos). Enjoy!


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