The Search in Lygon

April 3, 2009

I was roaming the streets of Lygon last Friday night. I was thankful that a friend of mine had given me a call, inviting me for a night out: truth be told, I was utterly bored at home and was lacking of things to do. So when the phone rang, my friend...
shall we call her Ms. Dimples?... and I came up with the novel idea to head over to Lygon Street in search of the Ferrari cars parading down the Italian region of Melbourne city. Now, you must wondering: what on earth is going on?

Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne 2009

The simple answer to that question: Australian Grand Prix was in town, and along with it, the pride and glory of every Italian-bred-Ferrari-fanatics pouring out onto the streets of Lygon, brandashing flashing red jerseys and donning the checkered flags in passionate support of their national team.

Some of the F1 cars taking part during the Grand Prix

However, alas, despite the fervent support from the locals, Ferrari did not win the international race - sadly, they didn't even make it to the last lap. The winner of the show: Brawn-Mercedes (oh yeah, mercedes baby! Unabashedly I admit that I have always been a Mercedes-kinda-girl). Oh and not forgetting to mention, a band "the Who" was in town for a concert that was held with the F1... i would've died to go and see it, but alas... at such short notice and lacking the appropriate funds for it, I didn't go... *sigh*
The Who performing a concert.

The frontline of the concert: fans awaiting the Who performance.

Ah well, it's ok... no biggies... I'll just wait till i get some good awesome f/2.8 telephoto lens first, so I can make that concert coverage worthwhile for myself! muahahaha.....

The first and second runner-up: the Brawn-Mercedes Team

*All F1 photos were from the Australian Grand Prix website*

Onward we carried on, meandering through the crowded sideways and ended right in the front doorstep of a Middle-Eastern restaurant called MinZaman. There we just kicked back, relaxed and enjoyed ourselves over a cuppa. It was a full-house with plenty of folks coming and going. Halfway through the night, we were graced by a belly dancer who came out and delighted the seating crowd with her exotic, seductive hip movements and chest thrusts. I still remember hearing the hip bells of the dancer ringing and tinkling up into the air before it was drowned by the overwhelming crowd noise.

The girls in MinZaman

Funny moment: there was a point where I thought the belly dancer was teasing and poking fun at my brother with her dance moves as she lingered and swiveled closer to our table. So there I was oooh-ing and aww-ing him, teasing him that soon the lady was going to flaunt her cleavage in front of his face.... that was until I had begun to realise that she was doing it to me! Much to my embarrassment, I ended up being ooh-ed and aww-ed by everyone else instead... Hahaha... Lesson learnt: I need to open my eyes up a little bit more.....

The gang in their usual fun


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