Fast & Furious Red Carpet Premiere

April 11, 2009

There was a red carpet premiere on Tuesday - and dutifully I went over to Melbourne Central to check it out, dragging along Ms DT and SG along with me. Now before I continue on with this write up, in defence I ought to preserve whatever's left of my dignity to say that out of naive eagerness and pure laziness, I didn't bother double checking to see if the highly-expected guests to this event would indeed turn up. Had I done so, I think it would've saved us ladies from wasting 2 hours of our lives for nothing... but in the end, I should say that we were rewarded for our stubborn persistence in standing at the front line (as you can see in the photo below).

The ladies were rewarded with the F&F Poster

With that being said: Tuesday was the Australian (and perhaps worldwide) premiere of the movie Fast and Furious (the 4th installment). In comparison to the premiere of Mamma Mia, this premiere wasn't as extravagant and grand as last one... and I think I know why: the highly-anticipated guests Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, who as of last Saturday announced that they would be cancelling their Australian tour.

The Highly-Anticipated Wait

So they didn't show up, much to the disappointment of Ms DT and more so with SG... meh. No biggie. I was a bit let down but i figured it was something you could easily get over. There were several Australian actors and actresses on the red carpet but I wasn't really interested in them... as I don't watch Australian local channels much - apparently the take-home chef Curtis Stone was there too and I think I saw him... I just don't know if it was really him... hahaha

The Sponsors

The games for free premiere tix & Universal Studios goodie bags

The funny thing I realised about celebrities is that: despite having familiarised yourself with their faces through constant tv-sessions, you will always seem to doubt yourself if you were to ever meet them in public, because mainly in person they always look different from TV... Hmmm... which was my case with Curtis Stone. I'm still convinced it wasn't him, despite what Ms DT says! Anyhow, aside from all the dashing smiles, high-pitched screams, blinding camera flashes and clicks with the 5 minute glamour, there were some familiar faces to be seen.... such as these two ladies below ;)

Despite the disappointment of a 2 hour wait, I have to admit... the pointless wait would have been a bore if it weren't for these two ladies... who proved to that when it comes to Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and free tickets to the red carpet premiere: it's ok to look and scream like mad women in public. Hahaha...

The screaming and yelling was worth it.... because...

They won free red carpet premiere tix after the contest

In the end, you might as well sign that board yourself...

For more photos: you can check out more at photobucket.


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