But that was just a dream...

April 22, 2009

There are times where I feel like I'm drowning amidst all the cling, clang and clatter of the world. How I just wish it's all a dream. Had a completely shitty long day today and I'm quite sure that's just the beginning of it all - everything happens for a reason, right? Just hope for the best and stay strong.

I'm sick to the bones at the moment, sniffing my way through sleep, school and back again. Its as though a pressuring weight has been placed onto my forehead and spreading down the bridge of my nose. Been walking about the house, trailed by the box of tissues: yup, it's that bad!

You know, as a little girl once, I had wished that I was born a flower: bright, beautiful, colourful and always happy in the sun. Flowers got their life simple, man. How I envy them sometimes... You become borne, wake up with the biggest brightest smile on your face, wait to be fed and cooled off by fresh water after basking in the balmy sunshine all morning...

I wanna be like these six ladies above (yup i had to count them) like this picture above: vibrant, bright, happy with their mouths wide open as though they're singing their little hearts out in harmony. Me likey this picture very muchey! For some reason this photo reminds me of the old 1994 Disney cartoon Fantasia, do you remember that? There was on part of the musical cartoon where you can actually see the flowers singing and dancing in harmoniously melody.


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