La Lasagne: il Salmone e l'asparago

April 13, 2009

Easter break is in town... and it's food blogging time! Hahaha... Dear god, time is flying by so fast and I'm sure pretty soon school will start again before we all know it! Oh no! Weather is getting colder, as we speak, and sunlight shorter by the day, activities to do are also running out quite fast....

Nonetheless its Easter Break and as mentioned before it's foodblog time (besides: everyone is in a jolly good mood due to the holidays).... So for sake of easter celebration I think I shall share a cooking recipe with you. Nothing grand or fancy, actually truth be told it's quite a easy, simple dish! - even its name is simple actually: The Salmon + Asparagus Lasagne.

A little info about the delectable dish: came across this recipe in one of Mr Rockband's Readers' Digest Healthy One-Dish Cooking and for the sake of trying something new, we both decided to give it a go. Besides, i think Mr Rockband was in salmon-craving mode.

So about the dish, basically it's a seafood take on the classic Italian Lasagna where the meat, onions and red tomato sauce are replaced with the wonderful, blissful combination of salmon, asparagus and white bechamel sauce, topped with mozzarella. The savoury flavours of salmon is emphasised by the hint of lemon and dill.

There one thing I liked about the dish: It was so easy to make and quite fast (since the asparagus was already steamed/boiled, you only have to really cook 2 things: the salmon in fish broth with complimenting flavours and the bechamel sauce - the white sauce).

The only problems I encountered during the whole cooking process was having to deal with the lasagna, which we didn't have 'fresh' (mainly because neither of us knew how to make lasagna from scratch... well I know the basic ingredients but I'm not confident enough to do it... hahaha). So we ended up with store-bought instant lasagna that did not require pre-cooking.

Personally I prefer the pre-cooked pasta as that the way I've always had it as a kid... although I'm fully aware that that method means more work for me. As for the instant lasagna sheets, well it sucked because despite having nice, tasty lasagna to begin with, I found that as I worked my way towards the centre of the dish, the pasta sheets weren't cooked and were still solid (not a pleasant way to have your meal).

Ah well, despite that the dish proved to be success: it had a strong asparagus flavour with a hint of lemony salmon and the bechamel sauce was creamy because I added a bit of mozarella cheese to it. One thing of note: if you don't like asparagus (like a number of my housemates...) you can always take comfort in knowing that it can easily be substituted with brocolli, which compliments the maritime flavour of salmon anytime of the day. Enjoy!


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