.Babka Smabka: Baking Polish in the Kitchen.

May 27, 2010

Or at least, I'm trying to!

Suddenly as of late, I found myself missing Max Brenner's Babka... and the dreadful weather didn't help either. As usual the lumpish grey clouds spreading its poison across the skies. The echos of thomping thunder and searing bolt of lightning... finally followed by pitter-patter of rain! Blerghhh....!! Whinging as I may be doing, I can't stand gloomy dull weather.

So... it wasn't long before I found myself in the kitchen again! This time baking a traditional Polish sweet-bread known as Babkha. Let me tell you: there is nothing that soothes and warms the heart than the smell of baking cocoa and cinnamon wafting throughout the whole house during days of rain.

Once it was done baking and I had sliced it, the sight was even better. Swirls upon swirls of chocolate and cinnamon within each bread slice... but the best part about it was: my mother became an addict after one bite :)

A few days ago, Brunei was "celebrating" Energy Day - a 12-hour campaign organised nationwide to raise awareness on the effects of Energy on our environment. To be honest, I'm not sure if the term celebrating is the proper word to describe it: there are hardly any energy-saving festivals or exhibitions taking place. Nothing to commemorate the day... aside from the fact that from 9am to 9pm, the government had decided to pause their subsidy on oil and gas.

So here was the gas station scenario the night before they started Energy day: miles upon miles of cars queue-ing up just so that they could pay B$0.53 p/litre, of gas instead of paying B$0.93 p/litre.... and I wasone of them.

"one of them" meaning to say one of the unfortunates queue-ing up for the gas - not because I wanted to take suck up the cheap gas while I still could but because the red blinker on the oil indicator was bleeping like mad.

What really irked me was that majority of those coming in to gas up their vehicle only wanted to spend B$5 just for a quick top-up to fill their tank! Like... wth...?

Some people can be so ridiculous sometimes...


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