.Shake and Bake 200+ Cupcakes.

July 17, 2010

Big lesson I learnt about baking in a foreign country: Ingredients don't always, necessarily taste or chemically react the same way as other places.

We're celebrating the delayed HM's birthday tomorrow (when I say tomorrow, I mean in less than 10 hours from now - it's already 2:30am) and I've managed to bake myself 200+ cupcakes in a span of two days - yup, call me insane.

My mind is still on holiday mode after my cousins had popped over from England for a quick visit. They left on Tuesday but like I said... my mind is still on holiday mode.
Luckily I've managed to bake, frost and decorate the cupcakes!

So this is going to be a short, non-pictorial post for now. I'm hitting the sack.

Bonne Nuit et Salut!


Ok, fine! You got me: I couldn't resist.
.Old photo, this time a few months back in Brunei.


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