.still can't believe we got lost with a GPS!!.

July 31, 2010

Evening folks,

If you're curious enough to read what my entry-title is on about, please click here for the full story!

As of this moment, it's been less than 10mins since I've arrived home. We got lost making our way back from the Brussels Kinepolis theatre (watching the Last Airbender in 3D) and spent 1 hour on driving through Belgium's backyard - might I say it's a HUGE, DARK backyard. Poorly lit roads, confusing signage, twisting and twirling country roads, uber fast highway and what have yous...This is certainly not the right time of day to be exploring Belgium's dirt roads and quaint towns!

We didn't get home until it was 1:15am! Worse part of it all was that, throughout the time we got lost, it was WHILST using the GPS!! Hahahaha EPIC FAILURE!

.The park.

Earlier on the day, we had a office-family picnic at the park. Beautiful weather definitely made the event much joyful as it had put everyone in a good sporting mood - well at least the boys were! lol The ladies spent much of the time walking about or sitting down amongst themselves enjoying cupcakes and other tidbits left for munching.

.I love his smile!.

.Rima & Roanne.

.Danielle & Roanne's Daughter.

.Uncle Hj.Brahim & Mr.Budeen and his samosas.

I'm guessing picnic in big groups aren't a common thing to find in Belgium as we got plenty of stare from the locals that went through the park for their daily walk/run/dog-time, etc. But nonetheless, it was a cool event. We had so much food that I'm quite sure we could've fed almost every single person in the park hahahaha

.Umi and some of the food available!.

Funny incident of the day: Mr. Budeen, the house caretaker, was greeted to the park AND followed from one end of the park to another by a flock of ducks, geese and swans upon our arrival. LOL He was carrying with him a big open box of fresh samosas! Go figure! hahahaha
Another epic memory!

.Mr.Budeen and his samosas.


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