.Scenes from Last Eid Celebration.

September 28, 2010

I can't believe Eid just came and went as fast as a blink of the eye. Just last Sunday I attended one of the office staff's open house - and I fear that, this might be the last open house I attend for the year. Sadly I've had to skip several occasions before as I was feeling under the weather and I think my allergies (to god knows what?!!...) had surged up suddenly over night. For several days, I was walking around Belgium like a red-rimmed-eyed zombie... that must've been a nice sight to see!

Je suis un peu triste
because my french class is finally over... who would've thought I was going to have so much fun learning this difficult romance-laced language? Those who are really familiar with me absolutely knows how i'm terribly allergic to anything to do with corny romances!

Now it's back to filling application after application after application.. or to put it like the way I whined on my twitter:
une demande apres de demande apres de demande apres de demande apres de demande..

Anyhow, these photos were taken well over two weeks ago... the weekend of the Eid Celebrations. We had hosted a reception to celebrate it with some friends. Pleasant times...

.The ever-so-popular satay.

.Don't worry, he's not getting arrested: people find him too cute to be mischevious.

Some of the Bruneian folks and their friends:


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