J'ai un rêve...

October 25, 2010

I think lately my drive for patisserie has kicked up into high gear - I simply just can't stop making things! (not that I'm complaining... its the people who are my taste-testers who complain after devouring god-knows-how-many cakes hehehe). Just the other day I made another, albiet smaller, batch of chocolates with the Mannekin-Pis on top. More of that on a better day :)

It's less than 6 hours before I pack off to the airport and you guys should see (!) my fridge! It's packed to the max with goodie giveaways for some office staffs and friends as an uber-advanced new years greeting... without the card
. Somehow in the midst of the packing, running, baking, printing, yelling and etc, etc, I had forgotten to buy some early new year cards to give with the goodies. Good thing, there's facebook.

Anyhow... this post is going to be ULTRA-brief: it's 1:47am and I'm knackered... but I know my mind won't rest well until I share this post with you guys... :)

Actually I was just kidding, this wasn't it - but isn't he cute though??

He was sleeping on Mom's lap when I popped into the room with my camera and starting interrupting his beauty sleep with me flashing away... lol the king of the house does not like to be disturbed.... clearly! You can tell I was bothering him...

No, in truth what I wanted to share with you guys was this: that today, quite possibly... just possibly, I think I made the biggest leap in my walk of life:

.This just came in today.

Yup, you read it right. Need I say more?
I'm happy as a bunny :)

Donc, je vais a Paris et je ferai beaucoup du gateaux et du pains!


Wingsi said...

Congrats Fri!!!!!!

C'est Super Exciting! hahaha, lost my French... :)

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