When shit hits the fan, what else can you do but walk away with an umbrella and a smile on your face? I'm sick on having my tear taps run every night over stupid things and crying myself to sleep. I've been through that before with one stupid guy and I refuse to be placed in that situation again. So instead: I think I'm just going to walk on forward with a smile on my face. Objective: no matter crappy you're feeling, pick up, dress up and walk out the door smiling!
I reactivated my facebook.... after 1 day of deactivation! lol. Yeah, I know that some people may find it quite pointless to deactivate it for just one day - but I was just trying out a small experiment on myself. Mr. Rockband had commented earlier this week that I was too much into facebook, to the point where it would be one of the first few things I'd check up on as soon as I wake up from sleep. So it got my thinking: what happens if I decided to deactivate my facebook for one day? How would i feel? Am I addicted to it?
It's safe to say (and I'm happy to have found out) that facebook is not a necessity for me. Throughout my whole day yesterday, not once had I experienced the urge to go online and check up on the latest "happenings" and I'm very glad of it. I think it's more of a "want" than a "need"... I want facebook because it can help fill up the times when I'm bored. I don't need it because I don't think it's necessary to declare to the whole world of my daily movements or scoop up on other people. MSN... on the other hand is surely a different story. lol.
Sometimes I think it's just a way feed our narcassism that lie subconciously in our minds, just another tool to make ourselves feel "wanted" like social-celebrities through friends and family through show of popularity. That being said, there are benefits to being part of facebook, namely increased networking and ability to keep in contact with friends we hardly meet. So I guess the only question everyone should ask themselves is: Why do you have facebook?
Girl in the rain by Pickerel @ DeviantArt
I reactivated my facebook.... after 1 day of deactivation! lol. Yeah, I know that some people may find it quite pointless to deactivate it for just one day - but I was just trying out a small experiment on myself. Mr. Rockband had commented earlier this week that I was too much into facebook, to the point where it would be one of the first few things I'd check up on as soon as I wake up from sleep. So it got my thinking: what happens if I decided to deactivate my facebook for one day? How would i feel? Am I addicted to it?
It's safe to say (and I'm happy to have found out) that facebook is not a necessity for me. Throughout my whole day yesterday, not once had I experienced the urge to go online and check up on the latest "happenings" and I'm very glad of it. I think it's more of a "want" than a "need"... I want facebook because it can help fill up the times when I'm bored. I don't need it because I don't think it's necessary to declare to the whole world of my daily movements or scoop up on other people. MSN... on the other hand is surely a different story. lol.
Sometimes I think it's just a way feed our narcassism that lie subconciously in our minds, just another tool to make ourselves feel "wanted" like social-celebrities through friends and family through show of popularity. That being said, there are benefits to being part of facebook, namely increased networking and ability to keep in contact with friends we hardly meet. So I guess the only question everyone should ask themselves is: Why do you have facebook?