.Visual Stimulus.

May 14, 2009

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
- 1947, Andre Gide ,
Nobel Prize winner for Literature.

Sometimes I wish that I was naturally born with the keen eye, open mind and creativity flair for photography. But hey, I'm slowly learning... you gotta start somewhere, right?

Today's entry features a series of work by this awesomely-talented bloke, Mike S., who hails from the land called United Kingdom. In some areas of the triple w he's also known as Balakov, notably in flickr and deviantart. A self-professed light & macro nerd who also happens to be a Lego-aficionado, the works he's created has been one of the best and creative that I've seen, EVER!

The first time I came across his work was when I was surfing through one of my regulars, the BBC news website. Occasionally I would surf around the website, particularly under the photography section to see any interesting photos of their regular readers, and it was here that I found his work.

I think I found it last year... and ever since then I've been searching for his work online, disappointingly I couldn't recall his name so the search was quite hard. To my eager delight, today I coincidentally came across his work again!! Yay!!

I was so excited and happy about this rediscovery that I literally bugged my boyfriend and housemates with his photo... like a little child who had just discovered how awesome the colour green is... Yeah, I know... crazy, much? lol

What I found fascinating about his work was the brilliance of his creativity and the development of such as simple concept: the idea of taking some of history's most memorable moments in photography and re-enacting them with Lego toys (who would've thought, right?).

However, it wasn't until I discovered his "Star Wars" Lego assembly that I was like... WHOA!! In my personal opinion, I think the idea is purely awesome... partly because this Star-Wars enthusiasm is fuelled by my newly-borne obession of the Stormtroopers (much to the dismay of my housemates and friends, lol)!!

Captions and concepts of the stormtrooper collection, I found, are quite clever with a healthy dose of humour.

"Can you ever have too many pancakes?"

"Am I the the droid you're looking for?"

"Good Christ it's cold outside. Probably not so bad if you're dressed for it."

"I have you now"


betakappa said...

very interesting pictures. extremely entertaining reenactments of classic photos. (i love them even more cos I love Lego)

Your own pictures are pretty good. (saw some here and there) (my point of view, but then again, what do I know? lol)

Been browsing through your blog. Its different. In a good way!


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