.Key to a Good Life: Chapter 3.

May 18, 2009

"I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me, I'd like to be the help that you've always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant old friend of mine, to me along the way"
- Anonymous.

This I dedicate to my friends whom I have gratefully come to know in great depth throughout my life.

Came across this quote whilst blog hopping and decided to share it with you guys. I liked it because it had portrayed how I ideally would like my friendship relations to be. That being said, I'm fully aware that it doesn't always transpire that way... but like I said, this is how I would like relations with my friends to be.

Today I found myself going through photos of Saturday night's farewell dinner with the In-Service crowd - a dinner was hosted to bid farewell to two of the Melbruneians who have been studying in Melbourne for the past year. A smiles and bashful laughter. Watching everyone interact got me thinking about the concept of friends and how they play an important role in our lives.

In part, friends help us define who we are as individual persons - partly and indirectly shaping our characters which eventually will define us as unique persons. Second to our family, friends are our strengthening pillars of life and at the same time, can dangerously be our mortal adversary. Friends are both our angels and our demons.

Some friends we have come and go out of our lives in the blink of an eye, then there are those who stay in our lives without end.

Being away from home, I regard my close friends as my family. Sure there maybe times when we all don't see eye to eye with one another, but that's what makes and developes our social skills into making us aware to be better persons, right? Besides, even family members fight with each other once in a while.


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