Three Lines of Happiness

August 31, 2009

mirror by ~YimWingTsun on deviantART

Sometimes in our pursuit for happiness, we are ultimately forced to endure or face many of our unpleasant and forgotten fears – particularly the ones stuffed in a hatched, buried six feet deep below our emotional surfaces. As this process persists, it continues with the salvaging of ugly truths and discomforts that we, long ago, sought to lodge in the back of our minds. A treasure trove of memories… and the relentless wave of emotions start pouring in.

I find it quite strange how little words of reassurance can have a big impact on the way you feel about yourself and consequently how it comes to play with your social interactions. You wake up, take a good shower, wash your face and stare at yourself in mirror: the dark spheres dilate and contract as your mind tries to adjust itself to what it sees. It’s as though you’re watching a familiar yet unrecognizable face glare back at you, trying to decipher what they were thinking – what could possibly be running in their minds.

Eyes closed.
Again you find yourself staring at the stranger in front of you.
As strange as it sounds, you’re only staring at yourself.

You breath in again and say to yourself:
I am strong.
I can do this.
I will do this.


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