Bienvenue a Le Cordon Bleu: Demonstration 9

February 2, 2011

Demonstration 9: Tarte Meringuee aux Poires

We're reaching our halfway mark of course sooner than I expected! I've learnt, experienced, seen and heard so many new things and now we're already in February! I have approximately 1 more month of school left before the start of examinations and after than in 5 days time, graduation!

I can't believe how fast time is flying by! In two weeks time, we'll be having the written exams and after than would be the final practical!

... Dang...

I probably should start studying...

... Actually... more like start baking...

Ok, time to save up some $$ for the baking equipments!

In this demonstration, we learnt the basics of sweet pastry dough and made the ever-delightful Pear Meringue Tart! Crunchy sweet pastry dough lining cooked and softened chopped pears and raisins, topped with a delicious (AND GENEROUS) mound of meringue topping, sprinkled with sliced almonds before popping into the oven to be browned!

 Up, close and personal: Pear Meringue Tart with Roasted Almonds and Powder Sugar
Sounds delicious doesn't it?

In this class, Chef Cotte was more serious than ever. Rolling up his sleeves and just getting his hands straight into work. Sometimes, demonstration can be good that way. Everyone quiet, intently watching the chef bake and design the tarts carefully. You could seriously hear a pin drop!

 Chef Cotte explaining... something?
Also in this class we learnt to make Caramlised Almond Tartelettes - something I wasn't really fond of due to the bitterness of the caramel mixed in with the sugar. I personally would've added a form of creme or custard in the base to balance out the crunchy-ness of the roasted caramalised almonds. It was a simple recipe which only involved 4 ingredients mixed all in all.

 tarte amande caramélisée


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