Bienvenue sur Le Cordon Bleu: Demonstration 13

February 15, 2011

Demonstration 13: Le Croissant & Pain Aux Chocolat

Aside from the uber-french classic baguette, there are two other baked goodies that have epitomised France in the patisserie world: the croissant and the pain aux chocolat. These mind-blowing tongue-pleasers are so enriched in buttery warmth and goodness (don't forget a whopping high-scaling calorie count) that the experience of eating them, is as if warmth had just exploded in your innards and drowned your senses - I have yet to meet someone who does not like them!

The dough for the croissant and pain aux chocolat is simple really, consisting mainly of tons of flour, tons more butter, some water, salt and yeast. Could it be any simpler than that? The beauty of these heavenly are is in the process of making them: a method which is long, wearisome and extremely repetitive. Dough is made, rested, rolled out and layered upon each other over and over again in between rests and succession.

 Rested Croissant Doughs ready to be baked by Chef Cotte during Demo

For those pain aux chocolat lovers out there - did you know that pain aux chocolat is basically just croissant rolled with sticks of chocolate known as bâtons boulangers (Baker's sticks) which are chocolate sticks made in such away that they are resistant to heat when baking. Interesting, huh?

Pain aux chocolat by yours truly :)

Another reason why I LOVE living in Paris because the bakery ingredients here are widely available and so cheap! I bought myself some (300 sticks, actually) of bâtons boulangers for a mere 9 euros! Best part: it's the top quality Cacao Barry brand which we use in school, too!!


Even more interesting is the history of the Croissants themselves!

Did you know that (this is one of the many culinary legends we learn in class about the origins of certain cakes/desserts/etc.) that Croissants originially did not come from France but was developed in Austria?

Yup. Austria. Croissants originally are not FRENCH!


Croissants, or as I like to call them: my lobster-claws :)

There are actually plenty of varied stories circulating around about the origin of croissants but one that we learnt was of the bakers in Vienna 1683, who sounded the alarms upon hearing the enemies from the Ottoman Empire tunnelling into the walls late at night. In commemoration of their bravery and celebration of the Ottoman Empire defeat, the croissants - a reference to the Turkish crescents on the flags - was developed!

I told you it was interesting!


For now, I can cross off one of the MANY MANY MANY MANY items on my bucket list and I'm content. The thought that I now know how to make croissants from scratch makes me want to jump up and squeal with delight... Ok, maybe not squeal. Maybe scream out of happiness!

It's days like these that makes love being in Le Cordon Bleu and being a patisserie student, learning from some of the best talents in the industry!

I count myself to be one lucky gal! ;)

I couldn't resist!
I simply LOVE girls with croissant-mustaches!


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