.Bridging the Globe: RTB down under.

August 18, 2008

Folks, the last two days have been quite.... eventful, to say the least. RTB is in town so our usual weekend ritual for relaxation was temporarily thrown out of the schedule books. For those unfamiliar with the abbreviation, RTB stands for Radio Television Brunei - the one and only broadcasting centre in Brunei, managed and operated by the state. Working side by side with Shazana's Production House, they're here to document the lives of Bruneian students living abroad, specifically in Melbourne with the theme of Hari Raya celebrations.

Their presence in town has caused a considerable stir amongst the Melbruneians here. I won't blabber much on the details of what has happened so far... but, just a side note: starting the 3rd Hari Raya day, do look out for all of us Melbruneians on the local tv channel.

Now that being said, here's a preview of what's to come and some behind-the-scenes footage:

.for more photos, check out the link below.
Bridging the Globe: RTB ventures Down Under
(Day 1 with private students)
Bridging the Globe: RTB ventures Down Under II
(Day 2 with in-service students)


Senor Pablo said...

Congrats on being part of the Bridging the Globe programme. Will be looking forward to see it then! Take care..

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