.Stirring in Melbourne.

August 17, 2008

.it's a stampede.
Where's everyone rushing to??
There is something is stirring in the air. I can sense it. feel it. smell it.
Signs are everywhere but no one seems to have noticed them... yet.

This happened a long while ago. I'm quite sure the Bourke and Swanston areas were not aware of what had hit them - we came in fast and hard, leaving people panting, sweating, exhilarated for more. And just like the seductive aroma of a woman's perfume, we disappeared leaving nothing but a linger of what used to be - a faint hint of a presence. We had left in search of a safe haven against the blusterous cruel winter night as the sun began to make way for the arrival of la luna, the moon.

Breakfast @ Nila

Food, glorious food

The day began with a quick breakfast session at one of our weekly favourite hotspots: Nila Restaurant. Atmosphere and weather was to perfection as the sun's rays poured into Degraves Street, lighting up the ever-bustling alleyway. I had my companions: Ms DT, Mr Canon and the Prahran boys. Indian cuisine was to be our staple fuel of the day. Sometime after our sumptuous breakfast, we hustled over to Bourke Street to meet up with Visual Acid and Mr P before proceeding for the ultimate show down. Coincidentally on that given day, Bourke Street was busier than ever with every corner and end filled with artistic activities: music of various kinds melting together up in the air such as those by spanish guitars, country folks and what-nots.
A photo of Mr Canon back then

There was even a magic stone statue that moved each time you dropped a coin into the small box by his pedestal. Streets were flocked with family and children, curious to see the next happening - afraid to miss out on the action. All the while, the crew *who all coincidentally were wearing black* unpacked and prepared themselves for what was about to come.

Time passed and the activities in Bourke were more fervent than ever. Bourke Street was becoming jam packed by the second. When are we going to start?? Clocks ticked, nervous smiles exchanged as curious onlookers eyed us preparing our gear. Trial runs were ran on the crew members who weren't in the know as cameras were switched on and lightings were geared steady.

A silent moment passed where a small prayer for success was made quietly in our hearts amidst the chaotic bustling background of the lively, colourful shoppers street.

.arrival at Bourke Street.

.the trial run.

Finally.... it was show time.

.the shoot.

.the reactions.

I have to say overall it was a good event. Initially I didn't know what to expect, but there was a good crowd; curiosity and interest was high. Photo opportunity was a dime in a million. It was certainly a memorable event with a memorable crowd. If you want to find out what happened... well, i can't.

.it's a secret.

.the crew & friends.

for more photos and, perhaps, more inkling to what happened:
Stirring in Melbourne


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