.My lucky 50.

August 13, 2008

I had came across it by chance. Sitting all by myself in the quiet corner on the tram as my family and I headed up to Sydney Road to buy our monthly supply of meat. It wasn't something I expected to see. Before that my eyes were roaming the skies. I was looking up the window, my eyes were focused on the blue heavens: "Sorry Ranga" it read.

Before we all boarded the tram, Ms DT took note of some writing in the skies. Was it a bird? Was it superman? It was a plane, jetting off amidst the blue, swirling and spinning as it wrote the apologising words from makeshift clouds.

Twenty minutes had passed on and still the pitiful words still caught my attention in the tram. I was snapping it away with my point and shoot camera. hat was before something glistened from the corner of my eye. It was then I turned and took a hard look at it.

Tucked away from public eyes was three silver coins sitting perfectly atop of one another. There it was, hiding behind the over-sized ticketing machine, perhaps... maybe enjoying its travel on the tram just like another other real fellow passenger. I reached out for it and took it in my hands. I counted it. twenty...twenty... ten...

Folks, I think I found my lucky 50.


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