A Tale

May 7, 2008

Many, many years ago in a faraway land of shadows and darkness,

there was a desolate castle on an island of grey and rough earth.

At sunset in the highest chamber of the grim fortress,

awakened a girl whose tears offered eternal life.

But no one dared to go and save her,

for the crumbling island was surrounded by the fierce waves of the tempest seas.

On land, men whispered and murmured amongst themselves.

They speak of fear and of pain,

but no one dared to speak of the promise of immortality.

And so every sunset, the girl cried.

Unable to be saved or bequeath her gift to anyone.

Forgotten and lost in the forbidding sea,

locked inside the chamber of the cold dark castle,

the girl lived forever alone eventually vanishing in time.

I think that its a sad affair: nowadays you don't see children growing up with story-telling and fairy tales as much as before. My parents used to tell me that when I was young, I used to have my mother read me stories before bed every night. There's something that's appealing about story-telling and fairy tales. They're like dreams - you close your eyes and imagine, then all of a sudden your world becomes an adventure!

Fight off swash-buckling pirates for chests of treasures, battle fiery dragons to save a damsel in distress, explore the depths of the underworld oceans with mermaids, fly in the sky like peter-pan and never age a day in never, neverland. Aaahh, god i miss being a kid sometimes!


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