.Eid Celebration Part II.

September 28, 2009

.bidding farewell to guests during open house no.3.

This was the third and final open house hosted by my family and quite possibly was one of the busiest days I've seen since I got back. By ten in the morning, the house was drowned in a multitude of voices and laughters as people flocked through the door to join us extend our Eid Celebrations.

.boys will always be boys.

.quirky family photo.

Today it was more on a personal tone as more family relatives and good family friends came to visit and spend time with us. Food on the table was a variety of rice dishes, mainly: Chicken Briyani with its condiments or Traditional Nasi Lemak accompanied by sambal anchovies. There was a lot more dessert in assorted variety to be found, ranging from Chocolate sponge cakes to Tiramisu, Traditional Layered cakes and what nots... You were definitely spoilt by choice.

.old school friends from the young days: classic case of men trying to be boys again.

.my nephew.

Some of my favourite moments of the day: seeing and getting the chance to see my new family editions (nephews & nieces) and spending time with my favourite uncles and aunts. They always bring joy and light to my day.


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