.Nation Blackout.

September 29, 2009

Well this happened a while back when I was in Brunei: I just haven't had the time to load to this up and show it to you guys. I think it was more or less two-three weeks ago during the first week of Eid Celebrations at home when pretty much the whole country went through a major black-out.

I can't really remember what time it started but I do recall that it lasted for a while because I still have the vivid memory of dying in the humid heat amidst the dark (hahaha) - the heat was further amplified by the candles lit up all over the house.

Power didn't come back on till one the morning and by then, each person in the house (aside from the maids, who had their own living quarters) had gathered around the massive living room, hogging each vacant space to themselves in vain attempt to cool themselves off the heat.

By the time the electricity and lights came on, there was no one in sight... hahaha everyone scurried back to their relative bedrooms for the a/c. BUT... enough of that, what I wanted to show was this:

.The Case of Joblessness: What we were up to in the dark.

We had Nz come over during the early hours of the blackout and seeing that our parents were out for dinner, we decided to go trigger happy with the camera and went crazy with the flash lights. You'll be amazed with what you can do with 2 girls, a flash light and a strong flashgun on your camera. Hahaha... Good memories, indeed!


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